Stalker Freedom Patch


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Stalker Freedom Patch (Volya in Russian). Embroidered.
“Freedom Can’t Be Stopped” sign in Russian.
Made in Russia. High quality. Dimensions: 7×9 cm.
In S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, they are the second-largest faction in the Zone (the first being Monolith), and have some of the best equipment. They aren’t officially at war with Duty at this time, but fights still break out between the factions from time to time. They hold the Military Warehouses as their main base. If the Marked One is in favor with Freedom, then he can assist Freedom against Duty, making Freedom more likely to push furthest into Pripyat. They hold The Barrier in the Army Warehouses, keeping the Monolith faction and Mutants at bay.