Full Face Gas Mask

Russian MAG Full Face Gas Mask is intended for use as a front part in filtering and insulating RPDs. In the kit, the mask provides the supply of purified air to the respiratory system and at the same time protects the face and eyes from exposure to harmful substances.
Has standard 40mm filter screw and accepts the whole range of old Soviet, new Russian and foreign standard gas mask filters!
Brand new Russian NBC gas mask filter included!
The mask consists of a panoramic glass case, a rubber seal with a double shutter, a valve box with inspiration, expiration and intercom valves, a suction mask with inspiration and headband valves, a protective film (add.). The mask has a central threaded connection for attaching a filter (design KR 40×4.0 according to GOST 8762-75 for domestic filters; design KR 40×3.5 according to GOST R 12.4.214-99 for domestic and imported filters). Filters with a mass of less than 500 g are attached directly to the mask, with a larger mass through a connecting tube. The mask is made in a single universal size.
Details of the mask are made of high-strength materials resistant to harmful substances and adverse temperature conditions. The panoramic mask is operable in all climatic zones at an ambient temperature from minus 40 to plus 40 ° C and relative humidity up to 98%.
Design Advantages:
– a double shutter ensures a snug fit of the mask to the face with various sizes, while the process of determining the anthropometric dimensions of the head is excluded;
– fast adjustment of the headband and reliable fixation at five points with self-tightening buckles;
– the presence of a suction cup prevents fogging of the glass and reduces the content of carbon dioxide in the inhaled air.
Advantages of the MAG mask:
– increased field of view;
– low breathing resistance;
– one (universal) size;
– optimal negotiation opportunity;
– long warranty storage period;
– the level and quality of the mask are confirmed by the European certification system according to Directive 89/686 / EEC